Your Life

Our Experience

Authenticity. Talent. Impact.

You have the ingredients for admissions. 

You may even find the recipe. 

Forster-Thomas teaches you how to cook. 

Contact Us For A Candidacy Assessment


The following is just a sampling of the numerous reviews, testimonials, thank you letters, and emails we have received from our candidates over the years.


Dear David and Susan, I wanted to let you know that Maxine got admitted to Tufts University through the early decision process; and this spring, she was awarded a prestigious Type 1 AFROTC scholarship that will pay her entire Tufts tuition. We are all really excited for her next chapter at such a great school located close to a fun and vibrant city like Boston. Having gone through this challenging and frustrating process with our older daughter without your guidance, we cannot thank you enough for your help with Maxine’s process.  Specifically, we appreciate:

1. Your exceptional patience dealing with Maxine’s procrastination, disorganization, and general stubbornness in getting those essays written. 

2. Your effective management of Maxine’s workload over the summer and early fall so she was done with all her essays in time for ED deadlines. 

3. Your gentle guidance about the school selection process – asking the right questions to help her make decisions.

4. You have clearly cracked the code on what admissions officers are looking for (not straightforward to an outside observer).

5. We understand how well-meaning parents can put increased pressure on a kid. By taking us parents out of the process, we felt no stress and Maxine was able to make her decisions without us putting our fingers on the scale.

6. Maxine has told us that she walked away from the essay writing experience with a better understanding of her own values and beliefs. She feels pride and ownership about the work she did. 

Also, our older daughter plans to apply to law schools in a couple of years – we will absolutely reach out again.

-Scottsdale, AZ

Hey Conor: I hope you are doing well and enjoying your summer. I just wanted to reach out first to say thank you so much for your help throughout this process and additionally to let you know that I just got off the waitlist at Georgetown (Law). I am planning on signing the agreement next week. Thank you again so much!

-Montclair, NJ

I applied to GSB R2 last year working with Susan. While I didn't make the cut from the tough waitlist, I did have a terrific experience working with Susan. After working with a top, former GSB ad-com consultant for HBS R1, I really got to see the difference in Susan's quality of work. She pulled countless more hours, and took the pain to coach me on how to write through her incredible stories. My HBS and GSB essays couldn't be further apart. My immediate HBS R1 Ding and R2 appreciated Waitlist are just a testament to her support. Beyond her going the extra mile on hours and commitment, I so appreciated her life coaching throughout. Seeing her ask me to deeply introspect, reflect the (lackluster) emotional tone of my first drafts, and then pull the emotional side out of me, I was moved. The end result of a more balanced, emotionally aware, and higher EQ person is more than a side benefit of the process.

-San Francisco, CA

I am Lisa Beth's mother who you helped create her personal statement to apply for med school and direct her to schools most appropriate for her. I just want to thank you four years later as she graduates from Med School on May 16 and got a pediatric residency at UCLA....I just want you to know how much I appreciate all you did to launch my daughter into med school...she had hurdles to cross and was losing confidence...Your support and direction is so much appreciated and she is so very proud of her accomplishments...and Mom is so proud too...Thank you so much...

-San Rafael, CA

Hi Conor,  Wanted to quickly provide you an update with some good news - long story short, I got into NYU (Law)! I did a virtual interview with them a week and a half ago, and got the acceptance last Monday. I’ve enrolled / submitted my deposit, and I’ll be starting there in August. Thank you so so much for all of your help throughout the process. I can’t tell you how much it meant to have a voice of reason / positivity, and to not feel like I was going through the whole thing alone. I’m really grateful that you took time to help with my LOCIs when you absolutely didn’t have to, and I’m sure that the advice / edits made a difference in their ultimate decision. 

David & Evan, I want to thank you guys so much for all of your help over the past couple of months. There is absolutely no way I would have been able to do all of this without you guys. I just found out that I got into Stern and I can’t even begin to describe how happy I am … Thank you guys again, and if any prospective clients want someone to speak to regarding their experience with you, feel free to give them my contact info and I will gush about you guys. P.S.– My coach is the absolute best and made this experience enjoyable.”

-New York City, NY


I worked with Forster-Thomas last year on my applications to business school. Tom and David were a fantastic duo to work with, each being very knowledgable in their respective areas. Tom helped me make essays stand out, while David knows exactly what admissions departments are looking for and will help tailor your resume and application accordingly. If I had the chance to go through the application process for business school again, the only change I would have made is to retain Forster-Thomas sooner. After working with David and Tom, you'll never wonder, "could I have submitted a stronger application?" With them, you simply know you're putting your best foot forward.

-San Fransisco, CA


Super helpful! I worked with Tom Locke on my film portfolio and he was very patient and gave detail oriented feedback that allowed me to greatly improve the quality of all portions of my portfolio. Highly recommend!

-Chicago, IL

Hi Susan, I finished my first quarter at the GSB and am about to start my second, so I just wanted to reach out to say thank you for all of your help getting me where I am today. The GSB has been truly incredible and feels like the place I was meant to be. It’s a lot of work but I feel so lucky to be here. It’s funny — I’m actually doing a lot of the things I said I would do in my essay!  Couldn’t have done it without you and what you’ve taught me about storytelling. Thank you for everything! 

-New York, NY


Amazing experience. I worked with Tom, Evan, and David on my college applications. Got into my top choice school. Had a wonderful experience working with all of them. I found them patient, accessible, and incredibly helpful!

-New Haven, CT


Working with David and Evan was an incredible process. Not only were you able to really draw out my life experiences and use them for my personal stories, but I managed to learn a lot about myself. It was about absolute trust in your team - trusting the process. You know what the schools are looking for; you know how to pinpoint leadership qualities from any experience. By looking at those experiences through your eyes, I felt empowerment and that gave me the confidence to walk into any interview knowing I belong there and they'd be damn lucky to have me.”

--New York City


Can't tell you how I appreciate your help and support. I would have never made it through without you; and I must say, you impacted greatly the way I think about my lifetime priorities. To be honest, I have always been quite skeptical about ‘personal coaching’ (or whatever an appropriate term is) and thought that an intellectual person does not need any view from the outside - but I was clearly wrong, and even if I had not got any admission, I would still say that working with you was worth it.”

-Moscow, Russia


I had a wonderful experience working with Forster-Thomas. Everyone I interacted with was extremely personable- they took the time to get to know me, in order to help me shine through in my application.

They took me on when I didn't have a GMAT score, and helped me work towards my goals, no matter where I ended up. I also loved that I was able to reach my points of contact via email, text, or phone call. It was never hard to get a quick answer.

David and Tom were excellent, I'd highly recommend Forster-Thomas to anyone!

-New York City, NY


Before working with David and Evan I was all set to attend a mid-level MBA program. However, they convinced me that with the proper guidance and preparation I was capable of getting in to a top 10 MBA program. They were right. I never would have been accepted without their support and I am very grateful.”

-Livingston, NJ


Susan was an integral part of my acceptance into the business school of my choice. She has became not only an essay consultant, but a friend, which shows the depth of her connection to and caring and pride in her clients.”

-New York City


Forster-Thomas helped me effectively articulate my unique value proposition. With their help, I was able to exceed my own expectations and gain acceptance into a top ten MBA program.

-New Delhi, India


I had a great experience with Forster-Thomas! In particular, David Thomas was very helpful as I thought through the entire MBA application process, and Tom Locke was extremely helpful as I thought through my essays. Most importantly, they are both awesome guys and a pleasure to spend time with. I have only the best things to say about Forster-Thomas!

-New York City, NY


 It was a pleasure working with Forster-Thomas! My oldest daughter got into her top choice, thanks to their expertise. I'll be back with my other kids!

-New York City, NY


What a pleasure to work with the experts at Forster-Thomas! Every step of the way they provided detailed guidance, knowledge and encouragement in what can often be an overwhelming Grad School Admissions process. They went above and beyond. I highly recommend them!!!

-New York City, NY

I recommend Forster Thomas to anyone preparing for graduate admissions. Of course, FT helped me write better essays, but more importantly, they helped me pick the right stories to tell. My coach challenged me to dig deeper to understand what drives me and why I've made certain decisions throughout my life. He helped me turn my background and ideas for the future into a cohesive story. This type of guided self-reflection—while challenging, and at a times hair pulling-ly annoying—certainly made a significantly more interesting application. I'm thrilled by all the acceptances I received and am excited to head to Haas in the Fall.”

-Los Angeles, CA


I got into Kellogg, Chicago, Wharton, and HBS!!! I am super excited! HBS was all I needed, but the others are amazing, too. I am so excited and so grateful for all of your insight along the way. THANK YOU!”

-San Francisco, CA

Working with my coach was a fantastic experience. He really took the time to get to know my experiences and activities to provide better feedback on my essays. He turned around essays quickly and was available at all hours to fit my schedule. I'll admit when choosing between a number of different consultants, a small voice in the back of my mind told me to go with a former MBA admissions officer or MBA graduate. I'm SO glad I ignored that voice. In addition to knowing the aspects of the program's I was applying to down cold, my coach’s Columbia MFA-honed storytelling abilities were vital when I was writing myself as the hero of my application essays. My sequel? My top choice MBA program.”

-New York City


I got into Columbia! I started orientation last week and have barely had a minute to catch my breath since getting into school. What a wild ride. Anyway, I wanted to reach out to say thank you again for all of your help. I had a great experience working with you and have recommended Forster-Thomas to many of my friends that have talked about pursuing an MBA.”

-New York City


David is tremendously insightful and masterfully plays the role of diligent steward throughout the application process. If David skills were transferable to those of a ninja, he would easily be an eighth degree black belt samurai master.”

-New York City


Coming into the business school application process, I felt like I was entering the wilderness. I had a vague idea of some stories from my personal and professional life that might be usable in my admissions essays, but they all struck me as mundane or insignificant. Susan was incredibly good at providing a fresh perspective on those stories—showing me how they could be meaningful to an admissions committee. In addition, she worked tirelessly to give me the advice I needed to flesh out my stories out into effective essays. (Honestly, there were times when I felt like she was more committed to my applications than I was.) In the end, the results were better than I could have ever imagined. Susan (and Forster-Thomas in general) gave me the tools to make that possible.”

-Cambridge, MA

Thank you for your help in my MIT Sloan acceptance today! David - Your strategic advice in switching my Kellogg application to Round II and MIT Sloan to Round I was why I instantly signed onto FT, and why this application was even submitted on-time. Coach - You're more than a brilliant writer yourself, you're an excellent motivator. You pushed me to write essays I never knew I could write. Thank you for being my rock throughout the process, a true confidante, believer, and friend ... I am simply delighted to be accepted (3 for 3) at the top-tier schools I applied to. Thanks again & looking forward to recommending you to others.”

-San Francisco, CA

Between you and David, I felt like I had two huge weapons as I took on the very intimidating admissions process. Towards the end of the process, I fired off some frantic emails to David about not getting a response from Columbia, and he calmly and confidently re-assured me that he thought I was competitive and would be surprised if I didn’t get an interview. He never wavered, and ultimately he was correct. Likewise, I thought your knowledge really benefited my candidacy, specifically with the Columbia personal interest essay. Not only do I think that essay was a major reason in me getting admitted to Columbia, but I think it is one of the greatest pieces of writing I have ever contributed to.”

-New York City


I got into Georgetown!!!!! I am thrilled. Thanks so much for all the help. Coach, I think the time we spent on the GT essays was well worth it and thanks for pushing me to make them perfect.”



I just wanted to thank you both for your hard work before and during the application process! I've put my deposit down for Columbia, and just got word yesterday that I received a small fellowship to assist in paying for the costs of attendance. I know we had some tight deadlines, and Rafe, I appreciate your quick turnarounds and all of your advice on getting through those essays. David, your edits and advice on the interviews were a huge help in getting me in the right mindset and making sure I didn't include anything critically dumb (which I think, for at least one essay, I was fairly insistent on doing...).”

-Palm Beach, FL

My Forster-Thomas essay consultant really took the time to get to know me and what made me tick. As a result, she was able to help me craft essays on topics or experiences that I was passionate about. I truly feel that this tailored approach and personalized result helped me stand out from other MBA candidates.”

-New York City

David/Coach– I want to thank you both for all the help on the applications. I’m very happy w/ the final product for all 3 schools and you guys were instrumental in getting me there.”

-Greenwich, CT


Hey Coach! I just wanted to let you know that I got an offer from Cornell yesterday. I wanted to thank you again for all the help, couldn't have done it without you.”

-New York City


I feel fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with David and Evan while applying to MBA programs in 2005. Before meeting them I understood who I was, what my goals were and what qualities I had to offer. However it wasn’t until I started working with David that I was able to organize these ideas into a coherent and succinct story that admissions officers found compelling. I have no doubt that it was David and Evan’s expert guidance combined with my hard work that enabled me to gain admittance to one of the top 2 MBA programs in the country.”

-Boston, MA


I just wanted to let you know that I was just accepted to Kellogg!! I'm beyond excited and I can't thank you enough for your help. When I started this process I had no idea if I'd get in anywhere, let alone into my top two choices-- really could not have done it without you guys! Now let the inner turmoil begin as I attempt to choose a school...

-New York City


David and his team were excellent to work with and helped me tremendously through the b-school process. Their advice was invaluable, and I would highly recommend their services.”

-New York City

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