We begin counseling applicants at every stage of their path toward medical school. Your dedicated medical school consultant will walk you through each and every step of the application process, from helping you line up all your ducks for an amazing Committee Letter, to ensuring every word of your Activity Descriptions is just right, to spell-checking your actual online application.
STANDARD SERVICES. All our medical school admissions packages include the following standard services (as appropriate to which stage of the process you are in):
Candidacy Assessment. We evaluate your candidacy and determine what your strengths are, what your weaknesses are, and how to put your best foot forward.
School Selection. We advise you on which schools you should apply to…and which ones you shouldn’t.
Comprehensive Brainstorming Sessions. We help you develop strong ideas for all your application materials, from activity descriptions to your personal statement.
Professional Editing of your written work.
Committee Letter/Recommendation Strategy. We ensure that you choose the right recommenders and give them focused talking points to highlight your most important attributes.
Interview Skills
Application Review & Advice
Waitlist service
To find out more, request a free candidacy assessment.
OUR MOST COMPREHENSIVE PACKAGE begins before your application year. It includes everything mentioned above, as well as:
Course selection Advice: Admissions committees care deeply about the classes you've taken—far beyond their interest in the core prerequisites. We will help you choose wisely when creating next term's schedule.
Candidacy Building. We won't just strengthen the existing elements of your candidacy, we'll help you build it from scratch—helping you inject leadership into your extracurricular activities via our Leadership Action Plan, choose which activities to add (or subtract) from your plate, and ensure that your activities tell a compelling, organic narrative. This is all about making you distinct from all the other med-school applicants vying for your spot.
Internship/Research Position Guidance. Medical schools are looking for a certain mix of experiences, including internships, shadowing, and research. How you pursue and apply to these, which you choose, and how you succeed within them are all included.
Also included are the AMCAS and Secondaries packages described below.
OUR AMCAS APPLICATION PACKAGE begins the winter or spring of your application year. It includes all of the standard services mentioned above, as well as very in-depth attention to:
AMCAS Personal Statement. Trust us, standing out in your personal statement is not eassy. You need to show you are intellectually curious, compassionate, competitive, a leader, and engaging—all while being autobiographical—but no one wants to hear another story about the frog you dissected or the knees you bandaged as a child. It's a delicate balancing act, and we will guide you masterfully through the process.
Activities Description. These are much more difficult than they seem. You get no more than 15 opportunities to describe the wealth of experiences that have made you who you are. We will ensure you make the most of your character count, injecting impact and leadership wherever possible.
OUR SECONDARIES PACKAGE guides you through the arduous process of responding to each of your “secondary applications”—those invitations to apply that carry their own essays. We will help you individuate further through these pieces, which range from 100 characters to two full pages! You can take this package as a stand-alone, if you worked on your AMCAS application without us.
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